Rush Union Soccer Serve, Develop, Inspire

7v7 League (Youth)

7v7 League Scoop


Youth 7v7 Summer League at Brook Run Park

Age Division: 10U, 12U, 14U and up

**This program is geared towards the competitive academy and select players

Play dates: Sundays: June 9,16,23  July 7,14,21 (makeup July 28) 

Game times 5,6,7pm

One person can register your team, through your player 
(be sure to click YES to the Volunteer question)
$800 per team

Team registration and $200 deposit

Interested Free Agents can add their names to our Google Form HERE
This doesn't guarantee a spot.  You will be contacted, if a team is looking for additional players.

Each team will need an Adult Coach/Captain to be on the sideline with the team.
Teams will need a minimum of 8 players. 
This league is geared toward academy and select players.

NOTE: Divisions will be COED, if there are not enough girls only teams to form their own division.

Play will be 7v7 format with 1 goalkeeper and 6 field players.
Matches will be 24-minute halves with a 2–5-minute halftime.
Games only format (no practices)

Field Layout

Field Layout

Field Layout

January Youth 7v7 League

Summer 7v7

Summer 7v7

Contact Us


Rush Union DeKalb
PO Box 941518
Atlanta, GA 31141

Phone: 404-431-7386

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